The One Who never lies…This is one of the Names I call God.
I call Him this because I am someone who knows how to lie to myself, and if I can fully transparent…
When you are a good speaker, writer and have charisma,,,you could easily lie to others if you wanted to. I don’t have a flawless history of never lying; I have lied before. But the goodness of God has taken me from a liar, hider, justifying person to someone who not only tries my best to let my Yes be Yes. my No be No, and my life to be without regret.
I fully believe what the Bible says about us being judged for every single work that we speak. When I think of that- it moves me to speak less and listen more; especially to God.
I call Him the One Who never lies because since I was 16, whenever I have approached Him in prayer, worship, my journal, intimacy. walking down the street, dreaming, driving, parenting….whenever I look to God in my heart, mind and focus and ask Him for the truth. He always gives it.
I can’t say that I always enjoy what He answers. In fact. many of God’s answers have caused me to stop talking for seasons. Yet even in those moments, His Word. His truth, His heart…stood firm in my life and remained unmovable when everything around, including my opinion, can be unsteady.
Now that I am growing into someone with influence, an audience, and connections…it is all the more important to me that I have Someone I can go to Who will tell me the truth.
I am 32 years old now. I have been with God for 16 years. The trust I have in Him at this point- He earned it and He deserves it.
So all praise to my Truth, the Truth, my King, my steady ground.
“Lord, I thank You for being my Rock of Truth that I can lean on every single moment. I love You”