Your Pathway to Greater OpportunitiesWelcome to your source of guidance and knowledge on a variety of educational pathways, both in the US and internationally. Whether you’re looking to earn a degree, acquire new skills through a certification, or secure a scholarship, we’re here to help.
Education, Jobs and Money
Education happens in more places than a classroom; I believe education happens every single day. Traditionally we do PreK-12th, College and maybe graduate school. But since I started on my journal, I realize that education is so much more than a degree or classroom setting. I hope to teach you how you learn, expose you to things you can learn, and share how to access education opportunities.
We all know what a job is but the job market we see in 2024 is like no other. If you look on LinkedIn, one role can have 2200 applicants. It’s incredulous. I have built up a LinkedIn profile over the last 9 years that watches Recruiters, Hiring Managers and direct leads to roles. My hope is to share this benefit with you while on your job/career journey. Not only that, but offer classes that enhance your skills and make you more marketable to an employer.
Money speaks for itself and those who can speak it know its power. I believe that we are to be good stewards of every penny, and use it for the what lasts and what’s worth it. I’ve been learning about money since I experienced having much of it and suddenly having none. What you glean from this space, will, I pray, bless you to have the favor and clarity with money management and ownership that I enjoy.
U.S. Debt
34 Trillion
Student Loan Debt
1.4 Trillion
56 million
Avg. Hourly Pay