There is a saying that I started in 2023…

It says, “God is the only One you were never meant to need less.”

Those words carry something different for each of us. For me, they carry a stark rebuke to my independent, self-sufficient personality.

First I will say that being upright, capable, and efficient is not a sin. God wants us to grow and mature from babes to adults, from spiritual milk to spiritual meat. 

But there is this other invitation at work in God’s heart. 

It says, “The smarter you are, the more you yield your mind to Jesus.”

It says, “The richer you are, the more you yield your wealth to Jesus.”

“The healthier you are, the more you yield your body to Jesus.”

This invitation says that whether I have nothing of all things, I need Him more. Whether I be high or low, I need Him.

Capable or crippled, I need Him. 

This invitation says, “No matter what levels you come from or ascend to, you will never need Me less than you used to. You’ll need Me more.”

I deeply enjoy my independence. It was at a young age that I got the impression that I knew what was better for me than the people who were leading me. In many ways, I was right. So the moment I got the power to make my own choices, I took off.

Yet I kept encountering this God Who wants me to cling to Him; not to myself.

Who wanted me to trust Him, more than my strategies and intelligence. 

I’m writing this as I lay on the floor in physical pain, my hips aching from pregnancy and pelvic floor changes. 

When I dreamed of my life, I never meant to have hips that need God. But my hips do.

When I imagined my future, my mind was good on its own, so where did this mind come from that can’t function without His peace? 

As I look ahead, I don’t know if this struggle will go away. What I know is this…

Abba God whispered to me that my healing would not come by striving, chasing, anxiety, or fear.

But my healing, whatever that is, would come in rest. 

He said, “Speak to your body in kindness.”

“Sleep and let yourself heal and don’t worry about your to-do list.”

In love, He says, “Because You believe me, I will do it for you.”

Isn’t it crazy how most times the greatest miracle God does is what He does to our mind? 

The peace He gives us long before any event takes place in the circumstance?

I do not know what you face. I feel compelled to tell you and myself…to believe Him.

Don’t worry about it making sense. Don’t worry about it adding up. Don’t worry about knowing all the steps.

Believe Him. 

If you, like me, have given doubt your energy…..

What would happen if we gave that energy now to faith? 

God bless and keep us. 

“Lord, I thank You that You don’t get tired of inviting me to believe You, nor showing me that You are a God worth believing. In Christ’s Name, amen.”

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