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Here, you’ll find an array of inspiring stories, devotionals, and reflections from my personal journey of faith. You can also enjoy my latest writings on Education, Jobs Hiring and Money. Join me as we explore the joys, challenges, and growth that comes from walking with Christ personally and professionally.

Ephesians 4: Pt. 1

I will be transparent ladies...Ephesians 4 was recommended to me as a series of dreams I had that I didn't understand. It addressed my walk with Christ and my mind, marriage, maturity, and growth path in the Lord. The first day I played it on audio, I could barely...

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Eternal Treasures Pt. 3 (Final)

Hello hello! Let's dive right in. This week we will wrap up the Eternal Treasures bible study. Pt 1 is here: Pt 2: Our focus will be: Context of Matthew 6 What Heaven treasures...

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Eternal Treasures Bible Study Pt. 2

Blessed Wednesday to you. Was today giving "I'm coming for all you have" energy to anyone other than me? We will dive right back into our February bible study of Matthew 6: 19-21. Here it is again for your reference... “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth,...

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Eternal Treasures Bible Study Pt. 1

Happy Wednesday, Ash Wednesday or just Wednesday for my family of faith. I promised I would begin Bible Study in February and this will start our first study. Most of you know me as a storyteller, but the Bible tells its own story and doesn't NEED my inference, though...

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I Coupon But Don’t Follow Me

I am a lazy coupouner. This week I used four CVS coupons on my cell phone and got a $53 transaction down to $27. That worked out to be 49% saved. I love it when it stacks up like that but don’t follow me for this lol. I'm not committed; It's enough for me to get half...

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The Water that Never Runs Dry

Let Christ be your water that never runs dry. I’m in a season of life where I can choose to turn to the eternal living water, or I can choose to turn to temporary water/satisfaction. I know what we all deal with each day causes various levels of stress in our lives. I...

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